Monday, July 07, 2008


when i can actually communicate in complete sentences, with a subject and verb, and perhaps a few flowery adjectives or adverbs thrown in for good measure, i will try to write about the proman international omnium. until then, i just say this: "uncle."


teamwelliver said...

Congrats on the were killing it in every event. Awesome.

Thanks for all your help yesterday! So cool that you took the time to help the newbie out. You rock.

Garrett Lau said...

Congratulations. Did you see the PDF file with the results? They used a serifed font just for your name. The rest of the document is sans serif.

chatterbox said...

Oooh. You won the omnium??!!?!!? Must have a report (for those who are just racing vicariously for now)!

Allison Krasnow said...

you are a total stud. i'm so excited for you.

equally as exciting (ok, not really) is that i had never heard of serif before reading your blog. i read your blog yesterday (lots of catching up to do), and TODAY it was a clue in the crossword puzzle i was doing. how cool is that?

you racing friday? i am. yea

place_holder said...

uncle to you, too.

Sacwheelgirl said...

YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!! WOO HOOO!!!!

Itinerant Rick said...

I saw you post, then saw the results, then saw someone else's message about the 10 hours of the PIO. Now I know why you are calling 'uncle'. Congratulations!