Friday, December 28, 2007

yes, quad update

yes, michiko was right
december 27: 58.75cm
biking in ohio has been lovely. i actually saw another biker the day! that was very exciting. i biked in the most high traffic bike area, in the cuyohoga county resevoir. it was nice; but i like my farmland better. anyway, it was a pretty humorous encounter cause i could tell he had a team kit on-- and, can someone please tell me what is up with cyclists doing that weird check-each-other-out-to-see-what-jersey-they-are-wearing thing? when i'd wear my normal clothes no one would look at me other than the obligatory wave. now that i have on that safeway jacket, all sorts of people give me funny looks and head turns trying to figure out who i am. answer: a poser.

well, i leave ohio tomorrow. it has been a wonderful stay. i love ohio. i don't care what the rest of the country says about it; it is pretty awesome and i can go on about the laurels of ohio for a long time, but i won't bore everyone. all i will say is that akron, ohio is home to the best bar in america.


Tim Jackson said...

I totally get you on the jersey inspection thing... if I go out in a generic solid jersey and bibs, I am just another "Fred" on the road and get snubbed. If I'm in any of my team kits, I get a different reaction. But I love riding in "stealth mode" and blowing through other team training rides... I'm just a jerk that way.

Quads- just shy of 66cm today.

Anonymous said...



and just do what i do to all other bike riders,

smile and wave, to every single one.

and you ARE a sponsored rider, remember? team unattached-whatever-womans be damned, you're a sponsored rider.

and ... uh, wouldn't you have had to be looking back to see him looking back?

and, my quads are still puny.

Itinerant Rick said...

My quads are almost as puny as Hernando's but ... I am not losing any sleep.

If you were riding around Cleveland you might have seen Dr. Brooke out training.

place_holder said...

and you ARE a sponsored rider, remember? team unattached-whatever-womans be damned, you're a sponsored rider.

she doesn't consider herself as one unless she gets a free bike... wait, praying mantis FRED supplied the red track bike of hers.

and ... uh, wouldn't you have had to be looking back to see him looking back?

my thought, exactly.

hey poser, you are too drunk and are not thinking straight.

beth bikes! said...

OV & TP, touche.

back in the bay and the weather is more miserable than in oHIo.

cyclistrick, i don't think dr. brooke likes c-town so much. she should bike a little south by akron. it was like heaven on earth.

my fun rides reminded me of that glorious summer of 2004 when i was canvassing for the election and would get tractor rides to register voters. despite the results, my counties didn't go bush...and i never knew how many anarchist nadar supporters there were in ohio.